Melbec To Offer New Hygienic Handrub Virucidal Testing Standard
We are proud to announce that we are offering testing to the BS EN 17430:2024 standard. This is a phase 2/step 2 test newly introduced in Europe and is notable in that the effectiveness of the product is tested on the surface of hands instead of test tubes. This revolutionises infection prevention and will mean a new range of requirements for hand disinfectants.
EN 17430 is the next development in disinfectant testing and will be relevant to manufacturers across Europe, especially those with products used in hospitals, care settings, dental institutions, and schools. Handrub products making a virucidal claim will need to test using this standard rather than relying solely on the EN 14476 data to support virucidal claims.
As described in the EN 17430 standard, to claim virucidal activity, the product shall also pass EN 14476 (Poliovirus, Adenovirus, Murine Norovirus), or for Limited spectrum virucidal activity, must pass EN 14476 (Adenovirus, and Murine Norovirus).
In addition to the full test we can support your new product development process by offering screening tests based on a limited number of volunteers. Screening test costs for products which move onto the full test will be carried out free of charge.
For more information on how we can help with your testing requirements, email us at or give us a call on 01706 214492.
For more details on the EN 17430 standard, visit our website.